Featured work
From farmland to frac sand
In the Midwest, fertile agricultural soil is being excavated in pursuit of fossil fuels, while rural communities suffer the consequences
Inside Bayer's state-by-state efforts to stop pesticide lawsuits
The agrichemical giant is lobbying against people who say chemicals caused their cancers.
Amid food industry upheaval, worker-owned coops expand
While other cities may just be lighting a spark, Baltimore has been tending the fire of its solidarity economy for years.
How NY's organic farms are faring amid a devastating dairy crisis
“Organic” and “grassfed” are no longer synonymous with “safe” in the market for milk.
The rural resistance to cheap meat production
Communities trying to stop the expansion of industrial animal agriculture gain traction in Iowa and across the country.
Young farmers are inspiring, but are they making a living?
“‘Basically, it starts to feel like I’m being financially irresponsible if I keep farming.”